Vet Visits Without Worry
CPD course
The move towards a greater understanding of animal behaviour has resulted in terms being used such as choice and consent, and a reduction in the application of coercion to achieve human goals. While this is undoubtedly a major step forward, it also raises questions such as how can we truly enable animals to give consent, are we achieving any improvement for the animal when attempting to apply methods such as CC/DS and just how much coercion is too much?
This course provides veterinary professionals, pet professionals, animal welfare professionals, and dog owners with the knowledge and tools to look after the physical and emotional wellbeing of their dogs. Many dogs struggle with veterinary and other appointments and with so much harmful information on the internet, we aim to keep veterinary healthcare teams and other professionals up to date with the latest techniques to truly offer our dogs choice in their handling. By reducing stress in the dogs (and their owners), visits can be a pleasant experience for all.
Vet Visits Without Worry
This course explores how we can incorporate more choice into vet and husbandry activities. The course includes discussion around the use of food in relation to coercion and bribery. Overviews of real-life case studies and guidance on applying choice opportunities in terms of choice architecture and improving communication between humans and dogs, are also included.
Along with the course textbook we also provide you with PDF handouts to give to clients so that they can work on various issues at home.
he course consists of six modules with images, videos and coursework to complete. The course is tutored by two experienced canine behaviour practitioners who have worked with dogs for many years, keeping themselves up to date with new scientific findings through regular CPD.
This course will appeal to veterinary professionals, other therapeutic professionals such as hydrotherapy, physiotherapy, those already working with dogs in a different capacity.
All of our CPD courses include free access to our bi monthly webinars/live discussions and our private Facebook group for the duration of the course and it is only £99 to enrol.
Free access to bi monthly webinars/live discussions
Free access to a private study group
Vet visits without worry certificate
Without Worry Canine Education logo​
Chapter One A mindful approach
Chapter Two Coercion or empowerment?
Chapter Three Calm and consent
Chapter Four Practical preparation
Chapter Five Puppy Parties
Chapter Six The Environment and practical training
Resources for clients
Course completion: 1 year
CPD: 6 hours
Cost: £99.00 (introductory price)
Just use the PayPal button below to enrol. As soon as the office is open we will send you your course materials.
Alternatively, if you would prefer to pay via bank transfer or would like us to invoice your practice, please get in touch via email and we can arrange this.